Welcome to your front row seat for a lesson on cooking with beer from the one-and-only Sean Z. Paxton a.k.a. The Homebrew Chef. Paxton is a frequent contributor to Beer Advocate, Zymurgy and The Brewing Network. He is not only one of the world’s most well-known beer cuisine experts, but also an avid homebrewer. Chop & Brew is proud to bring you this presentation Paxton delivered at a recent class of the Better Beer Society University. Grab a notepad, a beer, and something to nosh on because some epic science is about to be dropped. [Original postdate: June 23, 2013]
Related Links
C&B Episode 08 on Vimeo (Tip Jar included on Episode Page if you’d like to contribute to the Chop & Brew cause.)
Sean Paxton’s Homebrew Chef website
The Brewing Network’s “The Home Brewed Chef” podcast
Better Beer Society / Better Beer Society University website
Better Beer Society University site including Sean Paxton’s Full “How to Cook with Beer” Presentation
The Republic

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