As seen brewed by Michael Dawson in Chop & Brew – Episode 12. Thanks to Michael for sharing this recipe with us.
Belgian Dark Strong Ale 2013
5 gallons, all-grain
Target OG: 1.076 (adjust grist for your efficiency)
19 SRM, 26 IBU
- 10 lbs Belgian Pils (78%)
- 1.5 lbs Weyermann Bohemian Dark (12%)
- 4 oz C-120 or Special B (2%)
- 2 oz Blackprinz or Debittered Black (1%)
Mash at 152F for 60 minutes.
You may need to adjust based on equipment, but as a baseline I’d use about 16 liters to mash, then enough 170*F sparge water to reach a preboil volume of approximately 6-6.5 gallons (24-26 liters or so). I boiled this wort for 60 minutes, but longer (90 min) would be fine too – just adjust for bittering and boil-off.
Hop and other fermentables:
- 1 oz First Gold (8.6% aa, whole) at 60 min
- 0.5 lbs D180 candi syrup (end of boil)
- 0.5 lbs Brun Foncee soft candi sugar (end of boil)
Pitch Wyeast 3822 Belgian Strong Dark Ale. If not available, ferment with Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity or Wyeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes.
Partial mash version: Mash 1 lb Belgian Pils, 1.5 lbs Bohemian Dark, 4 oz C-120, 2 oz Blackprinz. Add 7.5 lbs Pilsen LME to boil and increase bittering hops to 1.25 oz.

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