Recipe for a smoked Oktoberfest beer loaned to Chop & Brew by Brooklyn homebrewer Isaac Deutsch. The beer was seen and discussed in Episode 19: NYC Homebrew Tour. Thanks to Isaac for sharing it with the people!
5 gallon batch all-grain
OG: 1.057
FG: 1.011
ABV: 5.4%
IBU: 26
5 lbs. Beechwood smoked malt
3 lbs. Munich light
3 lbs. German pilsner malt
1 oz. Perle (8% aa) at 60 minutes
1 package Saflager W-34/70
90 minute boil. Ferment at 50 degrees F for approximately 3 weeks. Lager for 4-6 weeks as close to 32 degrees F possible, then keg or bottle (I actually lager in the corny keg).
Variations I have used:
– hop schedule that includes flavor hops at 20 minutes, something noble, target 25-30 IBU total.
– liquid yeast Wyeast 2633 Octoberfest Lager blend, need to do a strong starter for lager.
– add a small amount of Carafa II, 2 oz, for deeper color.

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Dave Watson