Recipe for Jason Sahler’s “J.J. Bollerack’s Brown Ale,” as seen and discussed in Chop & Brew – Episode 19: NYC Homebrew Tour. Per Jason: A hybrid American/British ale named for my childhood imaginary friend. This will be one of my flagship beers when Strong Rope Brewery opens. One of my earliest recipes and you can tell by the number of malts used. I rarely develop recipes with this many malts anymore, but it worked so I kept it.
J.J. Bollerack’s Brown Ale
Recipe 5 gallons
OG – Shoot for around 1.070
FG – Shoot for around 1.019
IBUs – Shoot for around 38 IBUs
2-Row – 12 lbs
Rye Malt – 2 lbs
Brown Malt 1 lb
Caramunich III – 1 lb
Vienna Malt – 12 oz
Chocolate Malt – 4 oz
Dark Crystal – 4 oz
Mash 148 degrees
Mash efficienty: 70%
60 min boil.
Centennial – 1 oz First Wort Hope
Centennial – 2 oz 5 Min from End
Ferment with well-flocculating British Ale yeast in upper 60Fs.

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