Chop & Brew – Episode 55: Cody’s Gotlandsdricka and Christmas Wit

We’re back in the basement homebrewery of Cody Myers-Miller, tasting and learning about the unique brewing process for his Gotlandsdricka Style Ale and Christmas Wit. [Original postdate: January 22, 2017] Related Links Homebrew Recipes from Episode 55: Cody’s Gotlandsdricka Style Ale Cody’s Christmas Wit Michael Jackson: “The Goodland island and its ancient beers” For more

Mikael Holmlund Bonus Interview Footage

Extra footage of our interview with Swedish homebrew/craft brewer Mikael Holmlund that didn’t make the cut for the original video Chop & Brew – Episode 54: Homebrew Svagdricka. Mikael talks a bit about his homebrewing set up, building a craft brewery in a historic fire house, and the Swedish beer styles of Gotlandsricka and svagdricka.