Black is Beautiful is a worldwide beer collaboration and social initiative powered by a big imperial stout. Chip talks with Marcus Baskerville, head brewer and founder of Weathered Souls Brewing Company in San Antonio, about the recipe and social justice cause behind this beer. Marcus also gave us some tips to homebrewers who want to brew the beer for themselves. Below we have two different homebrew-scale versions of the beer: both 3- and 5-gallon volume brews of OG 1.074 and 1.095 versions of the beer. If you brew the beer post pics from your brew day and beer with #BlackIsBeautifulBeer on Twitter and Instagram and tag us @chopandbrew. Also, let us know what sort of improvisations you make and what additional flavors you use if any.
Related Links:
- Black is Beautiful – main site for details, label art, donation info, and pro-scale recipe
- Our Black is Beautiful homebrew recipes including 3- and 5-gallon batches at OG 1.074 and 1.095
- Pro brewers: Get 2019 Cascade hops for Black is Beautiful brew donated from BSGCraft
- Reiterated Mash/Double Mash – article by Chris Colby, mentioned in episode. An advanced technique for achieving high-gravity wort. We don’t incorporate this in the recipes below, but if you wanted to you would have to adjust the grist, mash, and length of your brew day.
- Support Chop & Brew via Patreon