You’re invited to Chop & Brew and Brülosophy’s Chop & Brü Prefunk Party at Insight Brewing the night before American Homebrewers Association’s Homebrew Con 2017. There’s going to be great beer (including a special release beer brewed with ingredients donated from BSG Craftbrewing and Imperial Yeast), food from New Bohemia Food Truck, brewery tours, and an epic drawing featuring prizes from The Grainfather, Ss Brewtech, Bräu Supply, Spike Brewing, PicoBrew, ThermoWorks, The Brew Bag, Gladfield Malt, Imperial Yeast, HOPSTEINER, JaDeD Brewing LLC, love2brew, bootleg biology, Yakima Valley Hops, and Experimental Brewing. Open to all, not just HBC attendees. Get your tickets now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chop-bru-prefunk-party-at-insight-brewing-tickets-33972711294