This is the homebrew-scale recipe for the Double Black IPA brewed by Lucid Brewing Company for their AHA Wort Rally event during Big Brew Day 2014. Huge thanks to Eric Biermann (no joke, best last name ever!) and Jon Messier for sharing this recipe with Chop & Brew. Also thanks to the American Homebrewers Association for their continued awesomeness and efforts in the name of homebrewing and homebrewers. If you make this wort at home, let us know what yeast and hop combinations you use and how the beer turns out in the comments below.
Lucid Brewing “Double Black IPA”
Brewed for Big Brew Day 2014 AHA Wort Rally
Recipe courtesy Eric Biermann & Jon Messier
For 5 gallon batch
OG: 18.0P
IBU: 75
Grainbill Weight: 13.5 lbs
Ingredient Efficiency: 75%
Initial Grain Temp: 68F
Cargill 2-Row 48% (6.9 lbs)
Mouterji Dingemans Cara 20 3.1% (0.5 lb)
Mouterji Dingemans Cara 45 3.1% (0.5 lb)
Pauls Dark Caramel 3.1% (0.5 lb)
Dingemans Munich 21.6% (3.2 lbs)
Dingemans De-bittered Black 5.4% (1.1 lbs)
Dingemans Aromatic 3.4% (0.5 lb)
Paul’s Chocolate 1.0% (0.2 lb)
Dextrose 11% (1 lb)
Strike water temp: 164F
Strike water volume: 5.1 gallons
Mash at 153F for 60 min
HOPS (pellets):
First Wort Hop:
Falconer’s Flight (17g of 10.8%AA for 17.94 IBU)
15 min:
Simcoe (16 g of 11.8%AA for 8.43 IBU)
Citra (16 g of 13.5%AA for 9.64 IBU)
Falconer’s Flight (16 g of 10.8%AA for 7.71 IBU)
Chinook (16 g of 11.1%AA for 7.93 IBU)
Simcoe (32 g for 6.74 IBU)
Citra (19 g for 4.54 IBU)
Falconer’s Flight (27 g for 5.17 IBU)
Chinook (35 g for 6.90 IBU)
As you saw in the Chop & Brew – Episode 28, homebrewers were encouraged to take this wort home and experiment with yeast and dry-hops.
Aside from the combinations that you saw us discuss in the episode, Lucid Brewing Company head brewer Eric Biermann suggests the following:
Wyeast British Ale
Ferment at 66F
Dry Hops:
Simcoe (29g)
Citra (29g)
Falconer’s Flight (29g)
Chinook (29g)

Aaron Guck