As seen brewed and tasted in Chop & Brew – Episode 24. Thanks to Michael Dawson for sharing this recipe with us. Also see this great blog post from Dawson via his own The Beer Engine Blog.
Target OG: 1.040
Target IBU: 40
5 gal, All-Grain
(assuming 75% efficiency – adjust as needed)
- 5 lbs 6 oz MCI Stout Malt
- 14 oz UK Chocolate Malt (450 L)
- 8 oz Patagonia C-190
- 8 oz Wheat Malt
Mash: rest at 150 F for 60 min, mash out at 168 F for 10 min
I used Challenger, East Kent Goldings, and Hallertau Hersbrucker blended (all pellet) at 1:1:2
- 2 oz of the blend at 60 min to 38 IBU
- 1/4 oz of the blend at 15 min to 2 IBU
- Wyeast 1335 British Ale II
Ferment at 68 F
None more black!