As you know, we here at Chop & Brew are huge fans of the band 311. So is our good buddy Paul Illa, who is currently enrolled in the Brewing & Beer Steward Technology program at Dakota County Technical College and a member of both Minnesota Homebrewers Association and Primary Fermenters Homebrew Club.
The recipe below, From Chaos NE (Nebraska) IPA, was brewed on 311 Day 2018 (March 11, 2018) by Paul and Chip on Paul’s Grainfather system while listening to an epic playlist of 311 jams. You can see the beer being brewed and tasted in Chop & Brew – Episode 97 (releasing Monday, March 4, 2019) . Shout-out to Paul for making the recipe available for fellow homebrewers. Got any questions about the recipe? Contact Paul Illa directly via Twitter @zip100473; he’d love to rap about it.
And if you didn’t know – the NE (Nebraska) IPA is totally a thing. CraftBeer.com says so! In fashion fitting of the new style, Paul’s recipe includes flaked corn like any good Husker knows, and a huge drop of MOSAIC Cryo Hops in honor of the band’s most recent album. The Omaha-raised boys in 311 sing, “From chaos comes clarity.” Not in this case. Thanks to the influence of the flaked corn, oats, and spelt in the grist, this beer’s going to be as hazy as a backstage green room! <wink, wink>
From Chaos NE (Nebraska) IPA
Recipe by Paul Illa
Target Original Gravity – 1.066
Target Final Gravity – 1.014
ABV: 6.8%
Color: 6.4 SRM
For 5.25 gallon batch via Grainfather All-Grain/BIAB System. Note: malt extract was required to achieve gravity due to volume limitations on Grainfather. Adjust recipe for Target OG using all malt if possible.
Malt & Fermentables
- 9.5 lbs Rahr 2-Row Pale Malt (65.5%)
- 2 lbs Flaked Corn (12.5%)
- 1 lb Weyermann Carahell (6.3%)
- 8 oz Bestmalz Spelt Malt (3.1%)
- 8 oz Flaked Oats (3.1%)
- 1 lbs Light Dry Malt Extract (6.3%)
- 1 oz Cluster [6.6%aa] @ 30 minutes (15.9 IBU)
- 1 oz Cluster @ 15 minutes (10.2 IBU)
- 1 oz Mosaic Cryo Hop [24.1%aa] @ 15 minutes (18.7 IBU)
- 1 oz Cluster @ 5 minutes (4.1 IBU)
- 1 oz Mosaic Cryo Hop @ 5 minutes (7.5 IBU)
- 2 oz Cluster – Steep/Whirlpool for 30 minutes (3.2 IBU, assuming 10% hop utilization)
- 1 oz Mosaic Cryo Hop – Steep/Whirlpool for 30 minutes (5.8 IBU, assuming 10% hop utilization)
- 1 oz Mosaic Cryo Hop – Dry Hop 7 days
- 2 oz Cluster – Dry Hop – 7 days
Brew Dat!
First, let me point out that I do a modified No Sparge. I mash in with 6 gallons of RO/Tap (50/50). I top up to boil volume with RO post-mash. This saves me a step (AKA time). This is why I have assumed 60% efficiency. It works for me. You can modify the recipe for your system and process.
- Heat strike water to temperature your system needs to achieve 152°F mash rest. Dough in and rest mash for 60 minutes.
- Raise to 168°F for mash-out. Hold 15 minutes.
- Remove mash bag/basket of grains and drain. No Sparge method in my case as noted.
- Bring wort to a boil. Boil time is 60 minutes. At 30 minutes left in boil, add hops according to schedule above.
- After hop steep/whirlpool and cooling wort to yeast-pitching temperature, add yeast.
- Ferment at 65°F for 8-14 days. Dry hop with Mosaic and Cluster for 7 days. You can use the same vessel post-fermentation or secondary.
- Rack to keg and carbonate to 12.5 psi
Chip’s skimboard made by Barry P. Vittor and signed twice by the members of 311 waaaaaay back in the day:
1996 Blue Album Warped Tour (Club LaVela | Panama City, FL) and 1997 Transistor Tour (Oak Mountain Amphitheater | Birmingham, AL).