Here are the recipes for the beers that were sampled by the Krewe of Chop & Brew in Episode 45: Frost Bite Tasting Notes.
The below recipes appear in order of sampling in the episode:
Munich Madness
Thinly Veiled Reference Pale Ale
St. Edhar 12 First Among Equals Belgian Quad
Quad Berry Mead
Munich Madness
Brewed by Chip Walton per recipe from Brewing Classic Styles. See this quick link for the BCS recipe as posted via American Homebrewers Association. The only riff on this original recipe is that Chip’s version was fermented with Wyeast 2112 California Lager yeast (instead of the suggested Bavarian Lager strain) because as cool as his basement was at the time, it was quite cold enough for a legit lager fermentation. As for brew day, Chip brewed it to the recipe specs. But after brewing, the beer to 55F and pitched the Cali Lager yeast. The beer raised a few degrees in the cool/cold basement and fermented at a fairly constant 58F.
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TVR (Thinly Veiled Reference) Pale Ale
Brewed by Michael Dawson, loosely inspired by Oskar Blue’s Pinner
- 31% Crisp Gleneagles Maris Otter
- 27% Rahr 2-row
- 22% Patagonia Extra Pale malt
- 16% MCI Stout Malt
- 4% Weyermann Carared
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St. Edhard 12 First Among Equals Belgian Quad
Recipe from Dawson’s original post via Northern Brewer/Brewing TV blog as seen brewed in Brewing TV – Episode 58: Guess That Beer.
3 gallons, BIAB all grain:
Target OG: 1.104
9 lbs Franco-Belges Pilsen Malt
- Dough-in cold at approx. 70 F with 24 qt H20
- Slowly raise temp to 148 F and rest 75 minutes
- Mashout 170 F for 10 minutes
- No sparge
2 lbs D-180 candi syrup @ 60 min
1 oz Palisade (whole) @ 60 min
0.25 oz Liberty (whole, homegrown) @ 60 min
1 oz Palisade (whole) @ 15 min
0.25 oz Liberty (whole, homegrown) @ 15 min
- cool to 64 F, O2 and pitch with Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
- quasi-open fermentation (non-sealed, non-airlocked s/s stock pot) free-rise to 68 F w/ periodic rousing for 7 days
- rack to closed secondary (SG = 1.030), warm to 75 F for attenuation
- rest 5 weeks in secondary, prime w/ table sugar & bottle condition
- FG = 1.020, 11.2% abv
- Preliminary tasting notes from short fill on bottling day:“Milk chocolate covered cherries, banana chips, rose petals, caraway, pumpernickel bread, sweetened Americano, rum cake. Warming on the way down.”
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Quad Berry Mead
Mead and recipe provided by Paul Fowler, award-winning member of Chop & Brew Homebrew Club and Saint Paul Homebrewers Club.
4 Gallon Batch Size
OG. 1.199
FG. 1.032
14% ABV
- 15 lbs. honey
- 8 lbs. Triple Berry Mix + 4 lbs. Strawberries
- 24 cups Ice Mountain Spring Water
- 3 packets L71-B Yeast
- Staggered Nutrients for Staggered Nutrient Addition (SNA): 0.8 grams per gallon of Fermaid K and 1.6 grams of DAP per gallon
Sanitize ALL Equipment!
Rehydrate yeast prior to pitching: Rehydrate 18.75 grams of Go-Ferm in 250ml of water at 110F, then add yeast at 104F. Let stand for 15 minutes then gently stir to break up any clumps. See this link for more information on Easy Steps for Optimal Yeast Rehydration of Lallemand Yeast via Scott Laboratories.
Stir (mixer) together honey and water to thoroughly mix and to introduce oxygen. Do not boil.
Follow Staggered Nutrient Addition. Divide nutrients into four equal portions, adding one portion for the first four days starting with pitching.
De-gas must once a day for the first seven days. Mix the must well enough to introduce plenty of oxygen into the fermenting must.
Ferment at 62F for four weeks, removing fruit after three weeks.