Hopinstein Pumpkin IPA was featured in Chop & Brew – Episode 35: Brewing Up A Cure as brewed by Silver Tap Brewing’s Fred Mason and Eric Heimberger. Cheers to Fred and Eric for sharing this with us! Recipe and notes below are directly from the guys.
Pumpkin-y Goodness (Before Brew Day)
1 lb Libby’s pumpkin
3 oz brown sugar
8 lbs American 2-Row
5 lbs Maris Otter
Hops and Other Additions
1 oz Nugget – 60 min
1 oz Simcoe – 30 min
1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice – 15 min
0.5 oz Simcoe at flameout
White Labs WLP007 Dry English Ale Yeast
We baked the pumpkin and brown sugar for 30 min at 400F the night before we brewed. We baked it until it got some color on the outside.
On brew day, we crushed our grains per normal procedure and added the pumpkin to the mash for 60 min. We also added 2 lbs of rice hulls to prevent stuck sparge. Collected a little over seven gallons pre-boil and boiled for 60 minutes pretty aggressively to get some kettle caramelization, adding hops and spice as noted above.
We chilled per our normal procedure and pitched a 1 L yeast starter. Fermented per normal procedure around 68F and added 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon when we transferred to secondary. We didn’t dry hop but it definitely could have been done that.