Hungarian Fluffy Honey Cookies


This recipe is for a wonderful traditional holiday dessert from Hungary. More spicy than sweet, with a great texture similar to shortbread or tea cakes than most cookies. As seen being sampled and discussed with Kristen England in this Chop & Brew video. As the baking method might look and feel a bit new to some bakers, Kris suggests this excellent recipe process video for a quick look at how these unique treats are made.


Hungarian Fluffy Honey Cookies | Pihe-puha mézes puszedli 

Yield: 24 cookies


110g butter, room temp
30g powdered sugar
1 egg
50g whole wheat flour (or rye or all-purpose)

200g honey
1t ginger powder

1t clove, ground
1t cardamom, ground
1t cinnamon, ground
1 pack of vanilla sugar (or 1t vanilla + 1t sugar)
1t salt

300g all-purpose flour
1tsp baking soda

Kris England and Chip Walton with a plate of cookies

VIDEO: Kris England and Chip Walton go deep on Hungarian Fluffy Honey Cookies

Kris suggests this excellent recipe process video for a quick look at the process.

In a large mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Mix eggs in. Mix whole wheat flour in. Add honey, spices, salt and vanilla sugar. Mix together.

In a second larger mixing bowl, whisk baking soda with 300g all-purpose flour. Add flour to the honey mix. Combine gently. Don’t overmix!

Turn out only plastic wrap. Make into a log shape. Put in the fridge for 1 hour. 

Cut into 24 evenish parts (~20-25g each)

Roll into balls. Patty into a fat disk. 

Bake in the oven at 375F for 8-10 minutes. Turn once if you want. 

It is very important to let the cookies rest overnight before serving or frosting. They come out and dry and hard, but the honey will draw in moisture and make them soft again.

Frosting (if you want)
1 egg white
180g powdered sugar

Whisk together (can split into 3 parts and dye red, green and leave white if you bougie). Dip cookies, let dry.
