Mindspin Midwest IPA is a 311-themed beer brewed in pro-am collaboration with Unmapped Brewing Company. The recipe was provided by head brewer Derek Allmendinger in percentages and IBU; use your go-to brewing software to scale the recipe to your system. Expect the unique ingredients to yield a fairly strong-alcohol beer with clean malt flavor — slightly toasty, honey notes and light corn sweetness — and huge hop notes of peaches and cream, pineapple, coconut, and rum drinks like a pina colada. HBC 1019 is a very special hop and worth seeking out to replicate this beer. You can see footage from our pro-am brew day plus more detailed process information and tasting notes in this Chop & Brew episode. Huge shout-out to Derek and the brew team at Unmapped for having the Krewe of Chop & Brew out to the brewery for this fun project, and also to Juno Choi of Holingbery & Son Hops for providing the Zeus and HBC 1019 hops for the brew.
Mindspin Midwest IPA
OG: 1.067
FG: 1.009
IBU: 45
ABV: 7.6%
- 90% Rahr 2-row
- 2% Simpsons CaraMalt
- 8% Corn Syrup (high-quality, such as Golden Barrel)
- Hollingbery Zeus (14.7%aa) – 28 IBU (60 minutes)
- Hollingbery HBC-1019 (7.8%aa) – 15 IBU (45 minutes)
- Hollingbery HBC-1019 – 12 IBU (30 minutes)
- Hollingbery HBC-1019 – 0 IBU (Dry Hop)
- On a homebrew scale, use 0.4 oz per gallon, so about 2 ounces for typical 5 gallons
- SafAle S-04 English Ale (or liquid yeast equivalent such as Imperial Yeast A01 House)
Mash grains and rest at 152F for 60 minutes.
Sparge and run off wort into boil kettle. First wort gravity at Unmapped was 14.5 BRIX (SG 1.057).
Boil wort for 75 minutes. Add hops as noted during boil at 60, 45, and 30 minutes.
Near flame-out, add corn syrup to boil and stir well to incorporate and avoid scorching. This syrup is thick and could be a messy pour. Consider warming the jug in a hot water soak ahead of time or do what we did at Unmapped and pull a small amount of wort from the boil kettle to combine with the syrup and help dissolve it and loosen it up a bit, then add to the kettle.
After boil is complete, knock out to about 67°F and pitch yeast. Ferment at 67°F.
Derek and the Unmapped brew team dry hops at terminal gravity 99% of the time, which was the case with this beer. You could also experiment with mid-fermentation dry hops if that’s your thing.
Watch brew day and tasting notes in this Chop & Brew episode!