This award-winning beer brewed by Mino Choi was sampled and discussed in Chop & Brew – Episode 21. Thanks to Mino for sharing the basics of this recipe with us. Per Mino:
For five gallon batch:
6 lbs Weyerman Wheat
4 lbs 2-Row
First protein rest 10 min at 122F
Scoop out 1/3 of the mash and put in separate pot and heat to 156 for 40 min… then bring to a boil for 15 min and add back to mash which raises mash temp to 135-140F. Let rest for 30 min then scoop out 1/3 of mash and bring to a boil for 15 min the add back to Mash which raises temp 150-154F. Then rest for 40 min then scoop out 1/4 mash and bring to boil then add back to mash to mash-out. Sparge.
Boil for 60 min.
Add 1 oz of Tettnang or Hallertau at 60 min.
Ferment with White Labs 300 or Wyeast 3068. Aim for a fermentation temperature in the mid-60s F.

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