Pfeffernusse Winter Warmer at Arbeiter Brewing Company
This recipe comes to us from Aaron Herman, head brewer at Arbeiter Brewing Company in Minneapolis. It began as a homebrew recipe by Arbeiter co-founder Josh Voeltz that Aaron scaled up and adjusted for the brewery’s much larger pro-scale brewhouse. It is a delicious malty winter warmer infused with spices inspired by the traditional German treat pfeffernusse. For tasting notes and some advice on brewing with this unique spice blend, watch our 12 Beers of Christmas video we recorded with Aaron and Josh at Arbeiter. And if you want to make your own pfeffernusse cookies to go with your Pfeffernusse Winter Warmer, check out these pfeffernusse cookie recipes found in From Our German Ancestors cook book.
Pfeffernusse Winter Warmer
OG 1.060
6.3% ABV
33 IBU
33 SRM
Grist & Fermentables
- Pale Ale Malt – 60.5%
- Rye Malt – 13.5%
- Crystal Rye Malt – 7%
- Dingeman’s Special B – 7%
- Flaked Oats – 3.5%
- Chocolate Wheat – 0.5%
- Rice Hulls – 2%
- Amber Candi Syrup – 6% (at last 5 minutes of boil)
Target grist ratio of 1.5 quarts water per pound of malt
Mash in at 118F for beta-glucanase rest for 15 minutes, if able
Raise temperature to 150F and rest for 45 minutes
Mash out at 170F for 10 minutes, if able
Recirculate, lauter, sparge to pre-boil gravity of 1.053
Bring to a boil for 90 minutes
Add Cluster hops to 16 IBU at last 60 minutes of boil
Add Cluster hops to 12 IBU at last 15 minutes of boil
Add pfeffernusse spices [see note below] at last 10 minutes of boil
Add Candi Syrup at last 5 minutes of boil
Add Cluster hops to 5 IBU at whirlpool/flameout
Add kettle fining and/or yeast nutrient as desired
Ferment with German ale yeast at low end of temperature range
Pfeffernusse Spices
Determine total amount of spices that works for your system and volume, then use the following percentages.
- Ground cinnamon – 40%
- Ground Allspice – 15%
- Minced or Sliced Ginger – 15%
- Ground Nutmeg – 15%
- Ground Black Pepper – 8%
- Ground Clove – 5%
- Ground Star Anise – 2%