As with most brew days around Ted’s garage, this beer was fairly random and chaotic.
The following is the closest thing we could come up with to represent the goings-on of the brew day (seen brewed in Chop & Brew – Episode 14 and tasted in Chop & Brew – Episode 17).
This “recipe” yield 20 gallons (4 x 5 gallon carboys)
Into one single mash tun / keggle go:
30 lbs American 2-row
4 lbs Crystal 20
2 lbs Crystal 40
Mash at 152F for 69 min.
Sparged into two separate boil kettles.
Paul says this is what went into his kettle during the boil:
(Ted wasn’t 100% sure about his boil additions of hops. Though Bryon Adams was an important part of the brew near-continuously hopping the boil kettles for the heck of it.)
First Wort Hop – Chinook
69-minute boil.
3 oz Chinook – 69 min
At flameout:
3 oz Cascade
3 oz Centennial
Approx. 10 lbs of DME, Corn Sugar and Belgian Candi Syrup went into kettles to bring OG to 1.052-1.055.
24 lbs fresh hop Chinook in the hop back (empty mash tun emptied and cleaned of all grain).
Hot post-boil wort was pumped from both boil kettles into the mash tun and allowed to steep for 10 min while recirculating on itself.
Transfer wort via plant chiller into carboys.
Ferment with Wyeast 1056, 1272, or other American Ale strain; or go wild and ferment with a Belgian yeast or German Ale yeast. Why the heck not?!

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