The recipe for Witch Ashes Piwo Grodziskie comes to us by way of David Page, who won a Best of Show bronze medal at the inaugural Déjà Brü Homebrew Competition in 2023, the topic of this Chop & Brew episode.
Witch Ashes Piwo Grodziskie Homebrew Recipe
Batch Size: 5.75 gallons
OG: 1.040
FG: 1.006
ABV: 4.5%
IBU: 31.8
SRM: 3.5
- 10 lbs. Weyermann Oak-smoked Wheat Malt
- 1 oz. Sterling [6.7%aa] – 60 min. – 19.8 IBUs
- 1 oz. Sterling [6.7%aa] – 20 min. – 12 IBUs
- Bootleg Biology Grodziskie Blend (see yeast brewer’s notes below)
- Mash grains at 152°F.
- Sparge with 170°F water.
- Collect the wort and boil for 60 minutes, adding hops per recipe.
- Cool wort to 60°F and pitch yeast. Allow the temperature of the beer to free rise to 70°F as it ferments.
- Cold crash at 38°F for 1-2 days prior to packaging.
Brewer’s Notes from David Page
- I use tap water treated with a Campden tablet for this beer.
- I add 5 oz. of rice hulls to the mash to prevent a stuck mash.
- You can substitute the yeast with Omega Kolsch II (OYL-044). For this particular beer, I used the Bootleg Biology yeast that a fellow brewer gave me to compare to my normal Grodziskie recipe that uses the Kolsch yeast, which I actually prefer. I feel that the Bootleg yeast emphasizes the smoke flavor more than the Kolsch yeast, but the Kolsch yeast allows for a more balanced malt profile (just my personal opinion though). The fermentation process does not change, no matter which yeast I use.