Recipe and additional brewer’s notes provided by Mitch Grittman, Zony Mash Beer Project brewer-owner
This fruited imperial sour is inspired by the bright, bold fruit flavors of the classic New Orleans Hurricane Cocktail. It is not kettle soured, rather it is co-pitched with a lacto blend and kveik strain to create a nice level of tartness to accentuate the many layers of fruit.
Zony Mash Mystic Brewe of Mardi Gras Homebrew Recipe
OG: 1.088*
FG: 1.032
ABV: 8.1%
IBU: 0
*Original Gravity or ABV may need to be adjusted depending on the brix level of juices used
Malt (Based on 80% efficiency)
- 3.5 lbs 2-Row, Rahr (27.73%)
- 2.75 lbs White Wheat Malt, Weyermann (23.11%)
- 1.75 lbs Golden Promise, Simpsons (18.49%)
- 1.75 lbs Golden Naked Oats, Simpsons (13.87%)
- 1.25 lbs Flaked Oats (8.4%)
- 1.25 lbs Flaked Wheat (8.4%)
- Rice Hulls (Lots!)
Mash Temp: 158F
Mash Length: 30 min
- Nope!
Yeast (Co-pitch)
- OYL-605 Omega Lacto Blend
- OYL-091 Hornindal Kveik (Omega Yeast Labs)
Other Additions
- Lactose – 1.5 lbs per 5 gallons
- Lemon Peel – 0.5 oz per 5 gallons
- Lemon Juice – 3.5 fl oz per 5 gallons
- Passionfruit Juice – 11 fl oz per 5 gallons
- Cherry Juice (Sour) – 5.5 fl oz per 5 gallons
- Tangerine Juice – 1 fl oz per 5 gallons
Additional Notes
This is how I would recommend for a homebrew batch:
Adjust Whirlpool pH to 4.5-4.8 if the lemon juice doesn’t quite get ya there.
Kviek is nutrient hungry, so consider adding yeast nutrient!
Knock out at 90F and pitch two pouches of Omega Lacto with one pouch of Hornindal. Temperature will naturally lower itself, a carboy heater or heated blanket can help keep the temperature up, but it’s not super important. Pitch Hornindal 12 hours later. Lactobacillus will naturally stop producing acid at around 3.2 pH, so no need to worry about it over-souring. It’s also painfully easy to kill, so it won’t infect your equipment.