Bad Ass Barrelfied Imperial Porter

As seen brewed and barrel-conditioned in Chop & Brew – Episode 29: Bad Ass Barrelfied Imperial Porter. Inspired by Arcadia Ales Shipwrecked Porter aka Ballzy Porter, an imperial porter conditioned in bourbon barrels. Thanks to Vaughn Stewart of Arcadia Ales for helping us out with a homebrew-scale version of the recipe. Now I know in


You saw (or can see) this beast of a strong English ale (barleywine-plus) in Chop & Brew Lagniappe “Tasting Notes: ANGLOZILLA.” Thanks to Keith Ciani for all recipe ingredients, processes and inspirations. Chip. English Strong (very strong) – aka Skywalker OG – aka Anglozilla 5 gallon batch (more like 3.75 gallons after boil) 25 lbs

Chop & Brew – Episode 25: Meet the Brewer – Keith Ciani

Chip visits homebrewer/C&B superfan Keith Ciani and his baby girl Nola during a roadtrip to Colorado. The adults in the room discuss small-space brewing, the joys of making sour beers and some DIY methods of lagering at home even without larger freezers or coolers. Nola pond [Original postdate: May 8, 2014] Related Links: Keith Ciani’s