Chop & Brew – Episode 49: Homebrewing History – A Photographic Tour with Charlie

Homebrew icon and guru Charlie Papazian delivers a homebrew history lesson of epic proportion tracing the early days of the homebrew hobby and culture in the United States. This presentation is nothing short of essential knowledge for homebrewers and craft beer geeks alike. [Original postdate: September 6, 2016] Related Links: American Homebrewers Association Get Your

Chop & Brew – Episode 31: P. Berry’s Batch 1,000

In this special episode of Chop & Brew, we visit long-time homebrewer P. Berry Dove in Austin, TX and hang out while he brews his 1,000th batch of homebrew. P. Berry tells about his experiences in a hobby that has spanned more than 40 years including why how we started, why he prefers partial mash