Chop & Brew | Mead Masters: Steve Fletty (Part 1)

  Chop & Brew | Mead Masters: Steve Fletty (Part 1) Episode 62: Steve Fletty (Meadmaker of the Year 2007 and 2016) hosts a flight of three meads and a discussion of his meadmaking process. See link below for the second part of this session. [Original postdate: August 1, 2017] Related Links Watch Mead Masters:

Chop & Brew | Americans React to Irish Craft Beer

Episode 61: Chip and Don go to work on a short flight of Irish craft beer presented by Brian Condron from the Irish Craft Beer Show. Beers include Yellowbelly Lager, Yellowbelly Castaway Passionfruit Sour, and Whiplash Brewing Company’s Surrender to the Void (Beoir Beer of the Year 2017). We discuss the Irish craft beer scene