Chop & Brew – Episode 33: Belgian Dark Strong Ales Part 2

Chip, Dawson and Don O. meet up for basement tasting notes on four different variations on the theme of Belgian Dark Strong Ale – 10 gallons split four ways and experimented upon during secondary fermentation. Among topics and techniques discussed are fermentation, fruit-based candi syrups, black tea infusion, buggy oak sticks, and the unique (and

P. Berry’s Batch 1,000 and 1,002 Homebrew Recipes

After shooting the upcoming “Chop & Brew – Episode 31: P. Berry’s Batch 1,000” P. Berry was kind enough to share his recipes for this partial mash homebrews – Batch 1,000 and Batch 1,002 – for anyone who was interested in trying them at home. Cheers, P. Berry! Batch 1000: California Blonde SG: 1.078 FG:

Chop & Brew – Episode 29: Bad Ass Barrelfied Imperial Porter

We head into Bryon Adams’ Bad Ass Brewery to discuss the brewing and barrel conditioning of an Imperial Porter in a Woodinville Rye Whiskey barrel. Our tasting notes discussion includes tips and techniques on barrel-conditioning (barrel-aging) and maintenance, last-minute yeast starters, and using the Wyeast Ringwood Ale yeast strain. [Original postdate: August 27, 2014] Related