Bad Ass Barrelfied Imperial Porter

As seen brewed and barrel-conditioned in Chop & Brew – Episode 29: Bad Ass Barrelfied Imperial Porter. Inspired by Arcadia Ales Shipwrecked Porter aka Ballzy Porter, an imperial porter conditioned in bourbon barrels. Thanks to Vaughn Stewart of Arcadia Ales for helping us out with a homebrew-scale version of the recipe. Now I know in

Chop & Brew – Episode 27: C&B Theme Song Contest

Chip Walton, Abstract Artimus & Charlie P. Beagleston sit down to enjoy the entries in the inaugural “My Best Impression of the Chop & Brew Theme Song Contest,” then announce the winners. You’ll see that the entrants represent everything from the simple to the surreal. [Original postdate: July 10, 2014] Related Links: Abstract Artimus Website

Chop & Brew – Episode 21: Meet the Brewer – Mino Choi

Meet award-winning fermentologist Mino Choi. In just three years of making beer, cider, wine and mead at home Mino has earned dozens of medals and awards – his most recent victories for the Chop & Brew Homebrew Club. We sit down with Mino for a gold-medal flight of beer, cider, icewine and melomel to discuss