Chop & Brew – Episode 32: Brewing with New Hop Varieties

Full-length “Brewing with New Hop Varieties” presentation by Nathan Smith (DOZE, Brewing Network) from the 2014 National Homebrewers Conference in Grand Rapids, MI. Nathan introduces us to some of his favorite new hop varieties, discusses his split-batch process for test-brewing with new hops, and shares some of the tasty results. [Original postdate: November 6, 2014]

Chop & Brew – Episode 14: Brewing with Fresh/Wet Hops

The Krewe of Chop & Brew gathers for a wet-hop brew day to wrap up this year’s series on “Growing Hops at Home.” We pick hops straight off the bine and stuff more than 10 pounds into a double-size batch. Thanks to Ted W. for hosting this motley bunch for a great brew day. Let