Recipes for the beers seen being put into barrels in Chop & Brew – Episode 07: Roll Out the Barrels. Get more information on the progress of these and other beer projects from Nordeast Brewers Alliance here: http://nordeastbrewersalliance.wordpress.com/
Flanders Red
Rye Saison Brett (with two types of Brett cultured from one Cantillion Iris bottle)
Russian Imperial Stout
They actually had half the people do one recipe and the other half do another complimentary recipe.
Yeah, they get crazy like that! Combined they look like this:
Wee Heavy – very simple recipe
IBU: 35.4
SRM: 17.4
OG: 1.087
FG: 1.025 (ish)
ABV: 8+%
17 lbs. Golden Promise
5.5 ounce Roasted Barley
2.5 oz East Kent Goldings (60 min)
Scottish Ale (Wyeast Labs #1728)
Mash Temp: 154F
Boil: 120 min
Ferm Temp: 65F
Take two gallons of first runnings and boil down to one quart.
Add back to kettle for two-hour boil.
This provides a caramelly sweetness and deep color of this beer.
Also, the club mentioned their first barrel project which began about a year ago:
Wild Belgian Blonde Ale for Honey Barrel
For this one they did a mixture of grains. Some members used undermodified Pilsner and others Rahr Premium Pilsner. They also mixed up White Wheat, Red Wheat, Dark Wheat. This was all intentional in order to better replicate how beer may have been produced 100+ years ago where they didn’t have as scientific malting processes, as well as replicate how farmers/brewers may have taken Wheat/Barley from their farm and maybe neighboring farms and mix and matched it in order to come out with a fantastic brew!

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BBB (@BmoreBistroBeer)