Illustration by Farmhouze Graphix
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Update 10/30/19: Production has begun on the Chop & Brew Kveik Connection video series. Back in September, Chip traveled to Norway to document traditional farmhouse brewing with a group of Norwegian homebrewers that are keeping alive the tradition of brewing with house strains of indigenous kveik. These brewers are participating in a form of brewing passed down over many generations. We shot more than 10 hours of footage for what will ultimately be about 10 videos – from full-length episodes to shorter videos like tasting notes and other fun stuff. See trip recap video below.
To see more content that has come out of the trip so far, check out this Kveik Connection playlist on Chop & Brew’s YouTube. More videos coming soon! (See the this video for a quick overview of Ivar’s farmhouse brewery and process; it was edited by Dan Pixley of Milk the Funk from short clips sent to us by Ivar himself.)
We are eager to share video from our trip with all of you and deeply appreciate your support for this unique opportunity.
Chop for chop, brew for brew! Or as Ivar would say, “Just kveik it!”
Chip W.