Counter-clockwise from top left: five gallon bucket filled with foraged Staghorn sumac tops;
sumac berries after being steeped in cold water and drained; two versions of Sumac Wine from Barry Salem.
There’s nothing more fun than creating a fermented beverage from foraged finds. This recipe for Sumac Wine takes advantage of a late summer of Staghorn Sumac you might have in your area and yields a refreshing, citrus-y, pink lemonade-like wine. Learn more about the beverage and see our tasting notes in this Chop & Brew video. Big thanks to Barry Salem for sharing his delicious sumac wine and recipe. Follow Barry’s brewing adventures on his The Mashmaker Challenge YouTube channel.
- Staghorn sumac tops (five gallon bucket)
- 7 lbs table sugar
- Zest of one lemon
- Zest of one orange
- 2 lbs raisins, chopped
- Wine or champagne yeast
Watch our tasting notes video for more Sumac Wine fun!
Pick a five gallon bucket of staghorn sumac tops. Strip the bunches from the inside stem.
Steep in 6 gallons of cold water for one hour. Strain several times through a cheesecloth and transfer liquid to a boil kettle
Heat water and add 7 lbs of table sugar. Bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes.
Five minutes before the end of the boil, add zest of one lemon and one orange.
Kill the flame and chill sumac must to yeast pitching temperature.
Add champagne or wine yeast and yeast nutrient for fermentation.
After three days of fermentation, add 2 lbs of chopped raisins into fermenter.
After fermentation is complete, let sit in secondary for one month
Bottle and serve.
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