Chop & Brew – Episode 01: Two Reds are Better Than One

In this inaugural episode of “Chop & Brew,” host/producer Chip Walton brews two very different red ales in tribute of homebrew legend Charlie Papazian on his birthday. [Original postdate: February 15, 2013] Related Links: C&B 01 on Vimeo The Return of O’Rojo Spiced Irish Red and Bama Dynasty Crimson Ale The Joy of Homebrewing by

Westvleteren XII Tasting and Rap Session

Once upon a time, three dudes received an amazing gift in the form of a very rare beer. They recently got together, shot a video about it, and ended up in a conversation about rare beers in general. [youtube] See more from these dudes: Jake Keeler – 20 Acre Carcass Blog Michael Dawson –