100% Alderwood-Smoked Stjørdal-Style Farmhouse Ale

We’re starting the new year with a renewed interest in smoked beers and starting a series of smokey episodes by going all-in with a 100% alderwood smoked beer. Lawton Boone and Jackson Stucker sent us their Stjørdal-Style Farmhouse Ale, brewed with alderwood-smoked malt from Sugar Creek Malt Company, and it absolutely brew our minds! Join

100% Alderwood-Smoked Stjørdal-Style Homebrew Recipe

  This recipe comes to us from Lawton Boone and Jackson Stucker, homebrewing buddies from the Chicagoland area. It was inspired from Jørund Geving’s Stjørdalsøl in Lars Marius Garshol’s book Historical Brewing Techniques, taking the traditional Norwegian farmhouse recipe and brewing it using ingredients available in the U.S., namely Nordic-inspired alderwood-smoked malt from Sugar Creek Malt

Jørund Geving’s Stjørdalsøl

Roar Sandodden’s såinnhus. Skatval, Stjørdal, Norway. The malt for this traditional Norwegian farmhouse is dried over alderwood smoke in a såinnhus similar to this. (Photo: Lars Marius Garshol) Photo & Recipe Reprinted with permission from Historical Brewing Techniques: The Lost Art of Farmhouse Brewing by Lar Marius Garshol (2020, Brewers Publications) Jørund’s stjørdalsøl won the Norwegian